Saturday, April 14, 2012

Earth Layers

First Layer: Lithosphere
Activities: Brainpop video and music video.
Topics: Earthquakes, volcanoes, seismic waves and plate boundaries.

For my topics I watched raps of Seismic Waves and Plate Boundaries. Seismic waves are waves caused by Earthquakes. Seismic waves consists in 3 types of waves. P- Waves are elastic waves that can travel through gases, solid and liquid, including the earth. P- Waves are very fast and can move track and forth. Then we have S- Waves are the waves with lowest energy and they move up and down. At least we have Surface Waves that are the most powerful waves. And raps of Plate Boundaries. Plates boundaries consists in 3 types of boundaries. Those boundaries are convergent, divergent and transform. When two plates come together (converge), they create mountaisn or if one comes down the other it cause a volcanoe to be form. When the plates separte from each other (Diverge) tre crust broke up apart causing magma to came out, but it depends were it happen, if land or sea, this process make mid-ocean ridges or a rift valley. When two plates move past each other (transform) it cause an earthquake. And also I watched brainpop videos of Volcanoes and Earthquakes.

Layer 2: Asthenosphere
Activities: Foldables & mini-quiz and demostration lab
Topics: Plate tectonics, plate boundaries and convection currents.

For layer 2 I made foldables, quizes and a demostration lab. My foldables were about plate tectonics and plate boundaries. Plate boundaries are the two other layers of the earth's crust that move and float on the mantle. Also the mantle moves the heat to the interior of the earth and this force the plates to move depending on its temperature. If it's hot it would go up and if it's cold it would go down. And plate boundaries, that are composed by 3 types of boundaries. We have divirgent, convergent and transform. Divirgent is composed by 3 parts, Sea-floor Spreading, Mid-ocean Ridge and Rift Valleys. Convergent boundary is also composed by 3 parts. Subduction Zone, Deep-sea Trench and Mountain Building. At least we have Transform boundary which only consist in only transform boundary. I made a foldable of each and the quizes of each one. I made a lab with other classmates about the Convection Currents. The lab had 3 parts. First we place 4 cups upside down on the table, then we fill the plastic tub with water and we place it on top of the cups, at next we waited for the table to stop moving and then we put two drops of coloring food into the center of the tub and watched what happened. We did the same procedure for the other 2 parts, but in both of them something changed. In the second one we place other cup with hot water in the center of the tub and we put in two drops in the middle and watched what happened. In the last one we place a cup with hot water, but this time instead of putting the drops in the middle, we put them in  one side and observed what happened. We did this lab to compare this to the convection currents. Convection currents are plates that float on the top of the  mantle, which is very hot under big pressure causing the magma to go up and then sinks creating a circle. That's why we used hot and cold water, because the hot watter represented Outer Core and the cold water represented Crust.

Layer 3: Mantle
Activities: Evidence paper
Topics: Plate tectonics

For this layer I did evidence paper about the plate tectonics. I searched information about this topic on books that supported the theory of plate tectonics, providing different evidence and I made a reference paper. 
As we know plate tectonics are the other two layers of the earth that move and float because of the heat on the earth interior. There exists many theories that prove the evidence of plate tectonics. First I found about the theory of continental drift, which explains why the plates move and how crust forms through the ocean floor, moving the plates along with them moved by the force of the heat inside the earth. Also we have convection currents, which proves that because the heat on the earht interior was able to provide energy to move the plates and also cause a lot of features which is more realted to physical movement of plates, because the plates float on the top of the  mantle which is very hot and under big pressure, causing a circle in the earth. The last evidence I found about plate tectonics, was the evidence of sea-floor spreading that proves more than jus that the continents were moving. sea-floor spreading says that the upper mantle and crust are divided into separate plates, becuase the heat on the middle of the earth. Those are evidence that support the plates tectonics, each agreed that the heat on the earth interior cause the continents to move. 
 That was what I did for my project. 

Critical thinking question:

Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?

Yes because there are many evidence that prove that the theory of plate tectonics is right. First we have the theory of continental drift which says that plate tectonics was evidence the scientists found that was more acurate to support the theory of continental drift which cause the continents to move, moved by the force inside the earth caused by the heat inside it. Then we have the theory of convection currents which says that heat on the earth interior provided energy causing features on the earth and caused the plates to move by its force. At least because sea-floor spreading is explains how the upper mantle and crust were separate into plates because the heat on the earth interior which have such force to make contients(plates) to move on the top of the mantle. That's why I agree with the theory ofplate tectonics.


1. What did you enjoy mos about this project and why?

- That in each layer we had the opportunity to chose the activity and the topic.  Because it's better if each person chose the topic and activity they feel more confortable with and feel more interest in doing.

2.What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

- I think what was most challenging for me was that we had certain time to get this done and sometimes Ms. Kara was so busy helping others that sometimes she didn't had time to help you, and with each person doing different things it was kind of crazy.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

- Time management and be self sufficient, to work alone.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to imporve any of your work? Explain

- I think I should had been more quick in doing my work to finish on time and fix mistakes, because sometimes I was very confuse with the work that I was left behind.