Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Planet Neptune


Neptune is the planet number 8 away from the sun, the last planet.
The distance from the sun is of 4,498.3 million Km.
The mass of Neptune is 1.0244x10  Km. The diameter is 49,528 Km
The rotation is 16 hours and the revolution is 164.8 years.
The number of Moon is 13 moons and are Jovians.

Neptune is a large planet full of gas. Neptune is the planet that it's more far from the sun, the last one. Neptune has a dark colored, also Neptune's atmosphere is active and changes rapidly. Neptune probably has a rocky core and it has a thin atmosphere made mostly of nitrogen.

The names of the planets in the solar system come from Rome or Greek mythology. Neptune was a Roman god of the sea. The Neptune's rings are young and probably won't last very long. Also Neptune have a layer of liquid water, methane and ammonia that change to solid ice. At the very center of Neptune it's the planet's core. The core of Neptune is made of iron.

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